Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I've done it.

I did it!

I conquered.

I looked you in the eyes, told you of my life and won.

No real prize, not tangible silver or gold

instead, i left with pride.

No yelling, not hatred, i felt good.

It has been so many months

hundreds of thoughts

all anguished by my loathing.

Today, a glimpse of what I might become

A hope to change what may have begun.

It's hard to state i'm sorry.

It's hard to want to go by and not want to try...

and run away.

For months I did just that.....

Listening to my inner self say no more of that.

Truth is, no matter how big I am my roots began in your arms.

I may not always be able to appreciate your spontaneity...but do know this!

who I am,
where I am from
and where my roots began
means everything to me!

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