Wednesday, October 3, 2012

E. Bass

The surrender to myself:
The filth that comes out of my mouth,
the lies!

i try to be just.
i attempt to say it so.
i fail for all the times i should of, could have, said no

"i failed at life again," i said.

at its temptation, again.

A life's lesson, for me, self taught.

But I revel in now!

i do my own truth, to say, no more...

and how is it that i can go?

I knew to be real to myself, to justify the truth, to walk in what is right,

but the heart of the beast, it yells for more! asks for the tenderness of your kiss and the song on your lips, the strum of your instrument,

the shyness of your thoughts,

itself, locked away, In Itself, locked away.

The same with his strong step, with his fierce look, with himself...

Had the door locked, so long ago, what would be?
Had it locked, long ago, who'd i'd be?

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