Monday, November 5, 2012


Not too long ago, I saw.

I went in, peered in, and saw!

I asked, again and again for some sign,

But kept getting a busy tone as a reply.

Had I stopped wishing, and hoping and...

I'd most likely grow up and just die.

Never living my authentic life, just trying to speed on by.

Who are we?

Thinkers, doers, movers, shakers...

But what of  those that need the tangible?

Those that need to see, or else would never care to be?

What for those that need your touch, or else can never trust?

We learn to live in different ways, we learn to grow in many ways...

To not le go, to step up and go

To realize that good comes from a smile, a touch from me...

....From you, us, we!

Perhaps you are searching for your sign, or maybe, you don't care, and feel that we live a lie.

Which ever route you traverse, think about your impact in this world, and whom you truly are on this Earth.

Lucky enough to see the sky, waited for any reply, and found the one that will suffice.

1 comment:

  1. Thought about this one. It brings me back to that lovely space. Forever etched in time and space! Our secret sign, known to just about every one...
    Never doubt what you have always known...
    in your heart, your gut, your love.


Hello All!

Thanks for reading.