Wednesday, June 23, 2021

ideas -

What do our times look like? Unique? Or have we heard the hate speech before? Have we seen the violence in the streets? How about what's happening in the schools?

We see it, we hear it , you live it.

Society's reality, technology, has forced us to face the fears of what happens in real life.

NO longer do textbooks teach us what cruelty looked like.

 Be it the neighbor, the nation, the world...hate is everywhere.

When will this bubble burst?

Or will you see the world for what it truly is....

A beautiful planet, rotating with an exact gracefulness, growing and evolving. allow ourselves to take a step back.

Instead of just react.

Perhaps then, you'd be here, instead (Helder).

Take the opportunity to make this one count.  In any way YOU can.

Humanity reacts, redirects and continues to fight with anger. Thoughts are uttered last.

Often without thought.

Too many people die by heartless people shooting, as they race on by.

Affecting the life of those they may never encounter. Through law or lawlessness:

...We turn the guns on each other.

We apply pressure to an object already triggered by emotions.

A bloodbath, to even the score.

Nor can they distort the knowledge to suit their end game

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