Monday, June 27, 2016

Let's not manipulate the future...

As i stumble past the blue light.

As I take my body from the ground,

I reaffirm and try again.

The wounded are less, many would say, too many,

when you are the one counting, you seem to be worth more, that ego and its clout.

It may have been the sharpness of the tone.

The never ending chatter coming just from me.

It was a reminder of the not so long ago.

To myself, it was a strong millionth step.

The light shines brightly in our bubble. The light stuns those that can't stand the glow.

We are our own worst enemy. We are the ones that die if we don't grow.

Stop manipulating the past, just to build a tumultuous future.

Let things go, let things be, you hurt yourself and everyone else, when you try to intervene.

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