Thursday, June 23, 2016

Healing the Heart

Layers accumulate over time.

Light hearted for many.

Layers of grime in others.

Covered in Layers as we go,

I covered mine with my broken hands,

added a millionth layer as I tried to go.

I went into the office with a nearly broken heart.

It wasn't 'till then that I felt the need to do so.

IF it were different, id say it so much sooner...

Feeling different during the insignificant situations.

To smile through the cloudy afternoons.

To understand through the ego,

to break its will down.

It takes faith in thyself and in HIM.

I finally grabbed the former by its freaking mind.

It took such a fucking long time.

Stay in the present, set IT aside, there ain't nothing to fear, the clown was inside.

Stay in the present.
Ask for the will to listen with your heart and not just your mind. If your thought doesn't jive with your heart, if it doesn't resonate, you must obliterate! Try again, to connect with the beauty that is your heart.

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