Friday, May 22, 2015

Pretty Maids - Inspired by The Eagles *Updated

why is wealth so narcissistic?

why do some need to be paid millions, just to leave it for a pet?

---Some have nothing for their own. All they can give is dirt, flies and regret.

At the end of their fortunes run, all they are is a coffee table book with THEIR gorgeous self, as we are devoured and laid to rest...

Why does life HAVE to be this way?

Were we warned as we were fertilized and made to procreate?


Where has the respect for fellow man gone?

As scandalized scenarios fill the airwaves.

As high speed chases run king on News sets.

When will this storybook come to an end?

...As the Eagles dive gracefully and sees the world from its heights...

Our world unravels in front of our eyes.

Is it too late?

So many ooze in it,

THEY deem it unfair to share its greenish tint.


The inspiration for my writing.
...This song is about death, wealth and the reality that all you leave behind are your pretty maids, as they attend their bosses funeral, all in a row.

Pretty Maids All in a Row (Live) 
Lyrics (Live)
Composers – Joe Walsh, Joe Vitale
Album – Hell Freezes Over (Original Version - Eagles' Hotel California Album)

Hi there, how are ya?
It's been a long time,
Seems like we've come a long way…

My, but we learn so slow.
And heroes they come and they go.
And leave us behind,
As if we're s'posed to know—why…
Oh Tell Me why—Why…

Why do we give up, our hearts to the past? Yeah
And why must we grown up so fast?

Ooh, ooh, ooh

And all you wishing-well fools with your fortunes,
Someone should send you a rose,
With love from a friend.
Nice to hear from you again,
Then the storybook comes to a close,
Gone are the ribbons and bows.
Things to remember, places to go.
Pretty maids all in a row…

All in a row – row…
All in a row - Ooh, ooh, ooh…

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