Monday, October 29, 2012

My Time

My time with you is like a delicate flower...

Intoxicating my senses in every way.

Making me want to spend time with you night and day.

Your delicate features brought me in.

Your nose, your chin, all made, for me.

Our love, that wraps us up both like stuffed grape leaves.

To spend our eternal time with thee would make anything complete. 

To dream all day and spend all our illusions. 

You and I, made to live and love and die.

You and I, made for me, to keep me alive. 

Never forget the passion I have for thee.

Never utter, "Do you love me?"

I have never cared for one more and more each day.

It used to be, I hardly cared for the ones that came your same way. 

You alone!
Your power,
Your fury,
Your beauty,

All those things, wrapped in one, hold on to we, tightly, everyday. 

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